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What is a Good GRE Score?

A "good" GRE score depends on the programs you consider. The average score for all test takers is currently 150 for Verbal. The ranking given will vary from school to school because it is used for such a wide variety of programs.
Percentile rank
Percentile rank indicates how your GRE scores compare to those of others. Such as, a scaled Verbal score of 150 translates to roughly the 47th percentile, meaning that you scored better than 47 percent of other test takers
You'll receive three GRE scores on your score report:
Verbal Reasoning 130–170, in 1-point increments

Quantitative Reasoning 130–170, in 1-point increments

Analytical Writing 0–6, in half-point increments
Know the requirements
You need to have a target score so you can figure out how much work you need to put in between now and test day. The school or college website will include the cut-off details.
Specific preparation
Some programs may care about your math score, but not your verbal score, and vice versa. If a program doesn’t care about your math or your essay score, then you know exactly where to put your prep time.
Importance of GRE
How much weight a program places on your GRE score depends on how competitive admission to the program is. If it is a competitive program, every number will count.
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