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Can I do B.Tech without JEE Mains?

People claim that the "JEE-Mains entrance exam" is the key to a famous engineering college in India after their 12th grade. It might be true, but what about the students who didn't take the JEE-Main exam?
The answer is yes, they can enrol in a reputable college to earn a B.Tech degree even if they haven't taken or passed the JEE-Mains entrance exam. We have listed some options for you in the upcoming
The majorities of public institutions admit students based on their achievement on the state-level entrance exam and then offer counseling.
State level exams
To choose the students for admission, prestigious universities like SRM Institute of Science & Technology and many others administer their own entrance exams. So, you can take up this chance.
Private Universities
Direct B.tech admissions without the JEE-Mains or another entrance exam are also available at selected universities. To provide admission, some of these administer institute-level entrance exams.
Direct admissions
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