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Duolingo English Test Dates

One of the most flexible and reasonably priced exams to help you get into English-speaking universities is the Duolingo English Test. In comparison to other English proficiency tests like IELTS, the Test dates are available all the time.
Appear for the test anytime whenever you feel that you are ready. It is an on-demand format hence once the test starts no break can be taken. So, make sure that you are ready first.
Instantly after registration
You need only 60 minutes to take the test (including set-up and video); so, save time and money on traveling rather than appearing for other longer tests.
On the Duolingo website, you can take the Duolingo English test from the comfort of your home.
Personal space
The test can be taken at any time and from any location, which makes it particularly demanding during the pandemic. With the COVID cases increasing and decreasing worldwide, this test has gained popularity.
The cost of the Duolingo English test is $49 or, in India, Rs. 3605. Candidates must have their passport, a government-issued ID, or a driver's license to qualify for Duolingo.
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