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Duolingo Test Preparation Tips

Many international students are choosing the Duolingo English test over tests like the TOEFL, IELTS, PTE, and others as the number of prestigious colleges that recognize it rises. Moreover, the test is shorter, lasting only one hour.
Each question type has its respective time and you must utilize it efficiently, no extra scores are given to answer a question quicker.
Know the question types:
A free sample on the official Duolingo website is available for you to understand the requirements and know your potential.
Take the Duolingo sample test
You must prepare while keeping in mind that language proficiency tests like Duolingo expect you to be comfortable with not only academic language but also the everyday language a native English speaker uses.
Real-life English skills needed
The speed at which you can read and comprehend information can affect the scores you receive, reading quality material like international newspapers, magazines, etc can help a lot.
Improve Reading Skills
On the day of the test, the room you sit in must be well-lit and with no distractions. Make sure that you practice in the same manner as well.
Suitable practice and test environment
Grammar, vocabulary, logic, and coherence are all important for a good score on the Duolingo test. Thoroughly understand the scoring before the attempt.
Understand the test structure and scoring
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