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Future jobs in demand 2030 UK

Often, studies have minimized the potential effects of automation on job creation, and have tended to ignore relevant trends, including the aging population, globalization, urbanization, and the rise of the green economy.
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  • Renewables Engineer
  • Machine Learning Expert
  • Cyber Security Penetration Tester
The top 10 future jobs that The Open University’s panel of entrepreneurs believe will have the greatest need are:
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  • AI Developer
  • Sustainability Officer
  • AI Analytics Engineer
  • Data Analyst
  • Data Protection Officer
  • Digital Content Strategist
Overall, the majority of workers are in occupations with highly uncertain futures. Workers can improve their employment prospects by acquiring the right skills.
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  • Sustainability Officer: Responsible for providing an ongoing evaluation of the company’s ecological outlook and environmental issues, but looks after improving working conditions in businesses.
Top 5 future job descriptions and courses:
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To use machine learning to improve business functions.To use machine learning to improve business functions.
AI Developer
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vital in quantity-based and qualitative analysis of content across all platforms to meet company & customer needs for brands, businesses, and people vital in quantity-based and qualitative analysis of content across all platforms to meet company and customer needs for brands, businesses & people
Digital Content Strategist
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to stop company cyber-attacksto stop company cyber-attacks
Cyber Security Penetration Expert
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To develop systems and supply equipment that is sustainable and maintained safely to develop systems and supply equipment that is sustainable and maintained safely
Renewables Engineer
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