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How to increase your IELTS Listening score

Everything is possible if you work hard and have a set objective. There are various ways that can help you boost your listening skills in IELTS. Let us find out different ways of increasing your listening scores.
There are 40 questions and you technically get one and a half minute to attempt each question, leave the difficult ones and attempt the easy questions first.
Utilize your time wisely
While listening, try and keep in mind the context of the question and answer accordingly. This will indeed save time.
Work on your comprehensive abilities
You are given extra 10 minutes to transfer your answers. Ensure to pen down correct spellings with capitalization along with grammatical accuracy.
Transfer your answers carefully
Sometimes, you hear the right answer but get distracted at the same time. In that case, listen to the speaker carefully in order to write correct answers.
Pay detailed attention
Practice makes a man perfect, however, listening to audios each day to improve your english language skills as it will refrain you from taking any stress. 
Daily practice is must
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