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Most applicants wont know these SOP-writing tricks!

You must know that the statement of purpose is an important document and holds a heavy weightage in your application process. It simply states and validates your reasons for studying in a particular university.
Don't beat around the bush
Don't write to impress, rather write in specificity so that you can easily dig in details. Talk about your reasons and be concise in mentioning everything.
Have a formal approach
You must write in a way that the content looks formal and convincing at the same time. The purpose is to let them know about yourself and your dreams.
Be smart enough
You must have a tact to portray your strengths and weaknesses indirectly, rather than penning down everything in a straightforward manner.
Speak about your problems
Don't be hesitant to talk about your problems or your background; rather, you must be as honest as possible and sound mature in your explanation.
Recheck your content
You must proofread and recheck the content that you have written as it clearly paints your personality in front of the delegates in this line.
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SOP writing tips