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Study in Canada vs UK - Which is better?

The UK and Canada are two powerful countries with a reputation for providing a top-notch education. When asked which country is superior—Canada or the UK—students occasionally become perplexed.
We will provide a comprehensive picture of life as a student in these two equally excellent nations. You'll see after reading that your preference and choice do matter in the end..
Lack of dependence on the grading system is one of Canada's educational system's best qualities. The education system we have today originated in the UK. The UK is home to many prestigious educational institutions.
The education system
The requirements for eligibility vary from university to university and are also based on the program you are applying for.
Eligibility requirements
Students can work in Canada for the time equal to the length of their degree through the Post Graduation Work Program. The UK now permits students to stay for up to two years after finishing their education.
Employment Opportunities
The UK, which boasts some of the greatest universities in the world, is improving its post-graduation policies, while Canada has lower overall study and living costs and has offered flexible post-study job options.
Living expenditure
In the UK, a person's annual cost of living is an average of $19,500. In Canada, a person's annual cost of living ranges from $7,500 to $11,000. Thus, living costs in Canada are lower than in the UK.
Details with figures
Obtaining a Canadian student visa is simpler than doing so for the UK. Getting a UK student visa is difficult because of the more stringent visa regulations.
Easy Visa process
Obtaining a permanent resident visa in Canada is easier and more profitable, whereas, after graduation,
it can be difficult for international students to stay and hunt for a job in the UK.
Opportunity for Permanent Residence
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