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TOEFL Speaking Section

The TOEFL speaking section has four sections and lasts 17 minutes. It is performed using a computer. Your responses are recorded and delivered to ETS for scoring.
Academic scenarios that take place inside and outside of the classroom are included in the TOEFL speaking tests.
  • Reply to inquiries
  • Participate in classroom discussions
  • After having read or listened to something, sum it up.
  • Express your thoughts on the subjects being discussed
There are times in the classroom when you must:
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017
Converse with office personnel, such as the librarian, and engage in casual dialogue with other students, express what you think about something
In circumstances outside of the classroom, you must
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017
Choice - 15 second preparation time 45 seconds to respond .You will be given two circumstances or viewpoints. When asked which you prefer, you must justify your decision.
A description of the speaking tasks
Independent Task
Entail combining your English-language abilities, such as speaking and listening or listening, reading, and speaking, just as you would in or out of a classroom. In total 3 Questions are asked.
Integrated Tasks
Speaking tasks are scored using a combination of AI scoring and trained human raters in accordance with the Speaking Scoring Guides (Rubrics). A scaled section score of 0–30 is created from raw scores.
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