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Virginia Tech Masters Programs

Virginia Tech is a land-grant university in Virginia, USA. It has a main campus in Blacksburg, Virginia and six statewide education centers. It offers graduate programs across various disciplines with various number of Masters in following.
The University offers 21 Masters programs in these fields ranging from a Masters of Science, Masters of Engineering to Masters of Arts.
Natural Sciences and Mathematics
The University has 19 Master’s programs in the field of Engineering and Technology. It has M.Sc., M.Engg. , M.A., and MURP programs.
Engineering and Technology
The University has 16 Master’s programs in this field. It offers M.Sc., M.A., M.A. Ed., MPA and MPIA in social science disciplines.
Social Sciences
The University has about 12 Master’s programs in these disciplines. The degree offered is M. Sc. in various subjects in these areas.
Agriculture & Forestry
The University offers around 9 graduate degree programs in Business and Management. It has MBA, M.Sc., MACIS, MSBA, MPA and MPIA programs.
Business & Management
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