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What Did Bill Gates’s Daughter Jennifer Study

Bill and Melinda French Gates have three kids, and one of them is Jennifer Gates. The established equestrian, who is 25 years old, likes to travel
A Stanford university graduate
Before enrolling in medical school, she completed a degree in human biology and took a year out to devote to her love of riding.
Mount Sinai
Mount Sinai Second-year medical student Jennifer Gates is enrolled at the Mount Sinai Icahn School of Medicine in New York City. According to US News, Mount Sinai's medical school is ranked #20 for "research" in the US.
Her Motivation
She spoke with Sidelines magazines and told how she was exposed to the HIV/AIDS epidemic, polio, and children's mortality at the dinner table as a child.
Her vision
She stated in the same interview that she aspires to become a paediatrician or family doctor and that she values her school's patient-centered curriculum.
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